Cold Moon

photos by @vincevanderpool.
Photos taken with a Canon EOS 300D (Digital Rebel) SLR camera.
Three types of vapor. *edit* As of today [march 5th 2022] this smokestack does no longer dominate the city skyline: -Aperture:ƒ/10- -Camera:Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL- -Taken:23 April, 2009- -Focal length:40mm- -ISO:100- -Location:51° 51′ 14.13190802743″ N 5° 49′ 58.336319779462″ E–…
A feeling of intense, violent, or growing anger. Also, the last letters of the word “garage” .. -Aperture:ƒ/4- -Camera:Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL- -Taken:19 April, 2009- -Focal length:28mm- -ISO:100- -Location:51° 50′ 44.499155880698″ N 5° 52′ 3.7478280240588″ E– -Shutter speed:1/15s-
A part of this picture was remixed by Jeff Babbit. (link).
-Aperture:ƒ -Camera:Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL- -Taken:14 September, 2008- -Focal length:18mm- -ISO:200- -Location:51° 50′ 47.183531746032″ N 5° 51′ 40.235579842137″ E– -Shutter speed:1/160s-
-Aperture:ƒ/5- -Camera:Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL- -Taken:12 May, 2008- -Focal length:18mm- -ISO:100- -Location:51° 50′ 29.686740011581″ N 5° 51′ 43.87586397567″ E– -Shutter speed:1/60s-
-Aperture:ƒ/10- -Camera:Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL- -Taken:20 April, 2008- -Focal length:34mm- -ISO:100- -Location:51° 50′ 48.221448467967″ N 5° 52′ 11.598132004981″ E– -Shutter speed:1/200s-